Thursday, December 3, 2009
Succumbing to super hip new blogging site. Ah... I hate change.
Monday, November 30, 2009
you work with a smile then you go for a ride
I was working on a pathetic attempt at architectural drawing, my lastest "freak", inspired by Tom oh-so-hot Hansen from 500 Days of Summer, when I hear a "RAAARRR" from somewhere behind... Its Shirleen! My mop-headed, foul-mouthed kid cousin. She's here to stay again, and so far we've painted, listened to my ancient Hilary Duff CD, and made supper. I enjoyed painting and making supper. Anyway, I re-watched 500 Days of Summer... Tom:"I know...Pancakes!"...Aaaahs so hot. :) And Summer sucks.
*Wheeze*. Been very sick. The kind of sick that gets you waking up at three in the morning, thrashing about in bed with your face streaming and moaning. I think its called agony. So I went running. Up the rows of houses, down the rows of houses, around the rows of houses. And later at 5am-ish we're gonna take a bus to the beach.
I'm hungry! D:
Friday, November 27, 2009
I am a vampire I am a vampire I am vampire VAMPIRE

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
How did we end up this way, watching our mouths for the words that we say?
Monday, November 23, 2009
How many days in a year she woke up with hope but she only found tears. I can be so insincere, making her promises, never for real...

Today I woke up really early when the house was all quiet. Gel, Mel and Don were still in bed. Today is Monday... AND THERE IS NO SCHOOL. MUAHAHAAHA. Plus this morning was nice. And cold. And drafty. Just the way thou likes it. I came up with that gay quote up there in italics. Though I'm unsure about its orginality. And I myself can't do the last one about Love. Cos I don't even know how to love for starters. With or without the hurt. But whatever... it sounded nice. Woke up crying, but there were some amazing things in the fridge(and the aforementioned awesome weather). Made breakfast; chee cheong fan with light soy sauce and fried shallots, and minute donuts. Conclusion? Today was more or less fufilled before 9am. Oh but I have been wheezing.
Staying at home is suiting me happily. Except for when Gel first wakes up. The complaining, the extra long sentences, punctuated with expletives and euphemisms...they make me feel like screaming. And so usually I do. Such verbal abuse... >:( Lately it has become quite obvious to me, how often I feel ostracized, given my place in the family. And how much I get yelled at. I never like yelling, though I've gotten into the habit of it(I am so awesome at "adaptation for survival"), so its really annoying. Oh and half my dresses have received the verdict of being "too short". Damn. I KNEW I should've been born a guy. ARGH! There is nothing worth left being female, I want to dieeeee dieee diee. Haha okay kidding... I just kinda miss living with Dad.
I am.. Like... This... Really selfish, unfilial, temperamental, personality-splitting, exhibitionist, lousy person.. Lacking in, like... a lot. Gee. :( Ah seriously...
Mood: Pleasant, gay-ish, destructive. :))
Friday, November 20, 2009
Watched Juno and 500 Days of Summer.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
She wrote my name on the red telephone box, but when I got there she'd already rubbed it off.
That and I'm selfish. If everything goes smoothly 2012 will be the year that I will be only one year shy of getting my degree. Yeah, mummy is so awesome. She's packing her fail kid off to Lasalle! Woots. I feel very grateful.:') So if I grow up already, and work VERY hard, and stop being a disappointment, then four years from now I will have my beautiful Ba(Hons). (Thats the artsy futsy name for "degree"). Kind of kills the oh-so honourable journalist/teacher/writer/reporter plan, but whatever. Mummy's word is law. Yesss. I hope she doesn't change her mind. And I hope I get in. Fingers crossed, wish me luck!:D
Everyone is too sweet. Today's friday and you guys are still asking if I'm okay. So sweet.:) Well yea I assure you! Hang out soon yea, I'll tour you guys around Lasalle if I get in.:)
Okay Gel is bugging me, she's being TOO anal lately. Bye for now!
Please don't end, world.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Lucky to have been where I have been, Lucky to be coming home again.
So I woke early up today and the weather was awesome, and everything was calm and clear and smelt nice. Very serene like. Well of course it did, I'm not in Yishun today. Washed my hair, which reeked of smoke. Cleared the room, cleaned Coco's mess(accidentally locked her into the room so she peed like an ocean). Slept terribly last night, but today I feel better, almost purposeful. Got some messages super early in the morning, everyone's been very very nice. <3>
Oh look what you've done
Saturday, November 14, 2009
I know who I want to take me home, take me home.
Kierra Knightley(center) is so pretty I would turn gay for Kierra Knightleyyyyy.
ITS OVER! No more staying back late until school closes. Oh bliss.^_^
Anyway, just got back from Supperclub. Nice place, love its spacey look, but its way too loud. Made new friends. Hehehe. Nostalgically SR-esque kinda people... Verry fun. Good conversation, my brain seems to be working better after today. (Shall do a long, ranty post!)
So I got a new coin today. I used to be a such a sucker for these old school things, and cheesy one-liners and everything. Usually. Now I feel weird just sitting alone and talking with dudes, not to mention going out. I imagine him finding out, and getting pissed. Or worst, NOT getting pissed. Ironic but yeah if you think about it it makes sense. Next, I start mentally picking apart the poor dude, sometimes totally riduculously. Too short, too tall(retardedly based on HIS bloody height). Looks too shallow. Sounds too mod. HE would say he was gay. Too effeminate, too macho-nacho. Can't dress. Talks too fast. Too impatient. Lousy ettiquete(this is especially harsh because his is near flawless). And then, (and this feels horrible) I stop picking. I naturally start allowing myself to admit how cool, or attractive or whatever these people are, because one of The Rules is to not judge meanly. So I appreciate. BUT. Only to realise that I don't care. And I wouldn't care even if Mr Oh-so-perfect, or even Miss Oh-so-perfect(if I was feeling butchy), came and asked me out. Which I think...together with everything else, is very bloody unhealthy! Sheesh what is thisss.
Now me body ache's like crazy, in terrrrrible shape. Lost too much weight and I'm in desperate need of some proper excercise. Look like shiteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. We were having dinner at 1am(thanks to Jerome French Boy's excellent punctuality), at Sommerset Botak Jones and watching some, I don't know, I think they were hip hoppers or new wavers. Anyhow, watching them made me really miss that! Daaang. Okay I've made up my mind to do that this december, provided detention(yuck) isn't too heavy. AND must must must do some art. My art is too lousy already.
Mum's getting to me. I'm worried. And really pissed off. Really REALLY pissed off. Sigh.
Alot of things are annoying me lately. Which is bad. Like pleather(faux leather) jackets? Shudder. I love leather, but fake leather jackets just really irritate me I don't know why. Sigh.
Wow its 6am. I haven't enjoyed a morning at home in ages. Home's been kind of irritating too lately though. Like there aren't any groceries, for one.
AND NOW I FEEL LIKE HAVING YOGURT! Baaaah. Shall wake and drag Poop to Serangoon Gardens or something.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
I just imagine that I'm you and there's nothing nothing nothing I can do

Monday, November 9, 2009
Never loved a soldier until there was a war

Saturday, November 7, 2009
Better by far that you forget and smile, than to remember and be sad
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
knowing you'd be better off if only you could say what you need to say
like magic
Blog Archive
- you work with a smile then you go for a ride
- I am a vampire I am a vampire I am vampire VAMPIRE
- How did we end up this way, watching our mouths fo...
- How many days in a year she woke up with hope but ...
- Home
- She wrote my name on the red telephone box, but wh...
- Lucky to have been where I have been, Lucky to be ...
- Oh look what you've done
- I know who I want to take me home, take me home.
- I just imagine that I'm you and there's nothing no...
- Never loved a soldier until there was a war
- Better by far that you forget and smile, than to r...
- Did you ever try so hard, that your world just fel...
- knowing you'd be better off if only you could say ...