Sunday, October 4, 2009

no, you just say bingo -.-

We finally found fly. Happy day. Caught up over lunch at MOF it was really empty today, dunno why. Anyhoo three months more and this year is finally over, can't wait! It's been:
1) Pretty vile.
2) Dysfunctional.
3) Tiring.
4) Exhausting.
5) Super Sickly (omshit my obsession with alliteration is growing)
6) An academic flop.
On the flipside...Well there have been tiny bits of flipside, thank God.
And this probably sounds pretentious(if you think so then ask yourself why), but whatever, here's the new TO-DO list:
1) Keep to my rules (which go something like..#1 Live clean, #2 Be brave... #3 Don't follow people/alternativism... Gay stuff like that.)
2) Stop being vulgar on this page (kids D: gaah yesss I'm sorry!! Me forgets who actually reads this nonsense ):)
3) Stop saying stuff like "if you think so then ask yourself...", it sounds preachy and totally Dad.
3) Say "like" less.
4) Stop caring about things that don't don't matter and start caring about things that do.
5) Don't judge people, don't focus on flaws, don't sweat the small stuff.
6) Laugh less. Or at least more appropriately.
7) Save cash.
8) Eat more fruit.
9) Treat everyone equally.
10) Write ideas down.
11) Create things.
12) Be fair and objective (yeah stick the idiot who said that I always think I'm right, cos I don't).
13) Don't be quick to assume/accuse (take that >:(...)
14) Put in effort where effort's due.(Reallyreallyreally need to start doing this).
15) Don't be afraid to be awkward/make mistakes.
16) Pick something to believe in, believe in it well.
17) Pick carefully.
18) Trust only yourself and take responsiblity for anything you had a part in.
19) Just be responsible, period.
20) Don't be a coward, do the most difficult things first(gotta rmb this one).
21) Be humble, share things, help those in need.
22) Stop comparing yourself to others, don't be too anal about originality.
23) Do not be materialistic, EVER.
27) Try to do all these things, whether people think you're an anal shrew or not.

Yup kay better stop here, could go on forever. And I admit this list isn't just for me(kidsssss D:). But yessss good to try to do, I realised that these simple things have come to mean alot in both simple and unsimple situations. And yea I screw up alot, but I don't always!


  1. that hairband on you looks.. vaguely familiar..

    *rummage dressing table*

    haha, just kidding. i love your to-do list! :D

  2. HAHAHAHA Thanks alot noodik! Guess what noodik, your grandma probably has one. Its another of my retarded vintage fetish finds.;D

  3. serious.. i bought it for a dollar, and have been wearing it to school...
    ohwell, mine's nicer! :E

    and what's a noodik? >:(

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